Different Ways And Styles To Carry Your Small Handbags
Just think about the way you carry your favorite bag on a daily basis- do you simply grab it and arrange it on your arm (or shoulder) the same way, no matter what? According to experts, it is not a totally random decision. Actually, there is a lot that you are revealing about your personality whenever you’ve got a bag in hand. Here are some of the most common positions to carry a bag and what they say about you. 1. Worn over one shoulder keeping the bag close to her body This indicates that you are practical and are driven by utilitarian motives. It means that the wearer prioritizes her freedom of movement over the display elements. You are not just a peacock, just getting things done. You can buy Now women’s small handbags which are the easiest to carry this way. 2. Worn over one shoulder with the bag swinging freely In this style, the bag swings and openly indicates a priority on ease and functionality over display. Keeping it buckled, closed, ...